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青岛大学 Qingdao University


发布时间:2006/11/4 14:37:58  发布:明日教育  来源:青岛大学











Qingdao University is a new comprehensive university in Shandong Province, which was combined with the former Qingdao University, Shandong Textile Engineering Institute, Qingdao Medical College and Qingdao Teachers’ College in 1993.

QU comprises of 25 colleges, 73 specialties with undergraduate programs covering literature, history, philosophy, law, economics, management, natural sciences, engineering, medical science, education, etc. There are 25 provincial key disciplines, laboratories, and engineering research centers, and 66 specialties with doctor and master programs.

We have 2,000 teachers, including one member of Chinese Academy of Science, two members of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and another 7 external academicians, 281 full professors, 868 associate professors.

International exchange programs have been established with more than 40 universities and regions, including the USA, Britain, Germany, Japan, Russia, Canada, Australia, etc.

Now the wheel of history has steered into the 21st century and the new millennium. A new era of reform and development has begun. QU also faces unprecedented new challenges and opportunities.

We’re determined to seize the opportunities and meet the challenge. To do this, QU must insist her aim of development: “to be open-minded, internationalized and high-graded”, must maintain its focus on teaching and research, on development, must strengthen international contacts to become a bridge for cultural, scientific and technological exchanges between the east and the west of the world.

We are striving to do all of these much harder than before, in order to make QU to be a domestically advanced, internationally renowned university.

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