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浙江大学 Zhejiang University


发布时间:2015/1/1 14:43:17  发布:明日教育  来源:浙江大学


       浙江大学是一所历史悠久、声誉卓著的高等学府,坐落于中国历史文化名城、风景旅游胜地杭州。浙江大学的前身求是书院创立于1897年,为中国人自己最早创办的新式高等学校之一。1928年,定名国立浙江大学。抗战期间,浙大举校西迁,在贵州遵义、湄 潭等地办学七年,1946年秋回迁杭州。1952年全国高等学校院系调整时,浙江大学部分系科转入兄弟高校和中国科学院,留在杭州的主体部分被分为多所单科性院校,后分别发展为原浙江大学、杭州大学、浙江农业大学和浙江医科大学。1998年,同根同源的四校实现合并,组建了新浙江大学,迈上了创建世界一流大学的新征程。在一百一十多年的办学历程中,浙江大学始终以造就卓越人才、推动科技进步、服务社会发展、弘扬先进文化为己任,逐渐形成了以“求是创新”为校训的优良传统。

       浙江大学坚持“以人为本,整合培养,求是创新,追求卓越”的教育理念,打造卓越教育品牌,培养具有国际视野的高素质创新人才和未来领导者。在长期的办学过程中,浙江大学培养了大批杰出人才,校友中当选为两院院士的有160余人。学校与时俱进的教育思 想,引领浙大教育教学模式改革始终走在全国高校前列;丰富的校园文化、先进的教学设施和广泛的国际交流为学生成长创造了优越条件。截止2014年12月31日,学校毕业生初次就业率达到97.2%。本科毕业生海内外深造率达到56.0%




Located in the historical and picturesque city of Hangzhou, Zhejiang University is a prestigious institution of higher education with a long history. Qiushi Academy, the predecessor of Zhejiang University, was founded in 1897 and was one of the earliest modern academies of higher learning established in China. In 1928, the academy was named National Zhejiang University. During the war time in 1940s, Zhejiang University moved to Zunyi, Meitan and other places in succession and stayed in West China for seven years. In 1946, Zhejiang University returned to Hangzhou. In 1952, due to a nationwide restructuring of universities, Zhejiang University underwent a reshuffling of disciplines. Some departments merged into other universities and Chinese Academy of Sciences. The remaining departments were divided and developed to become 4 specialized higher education institutions, namely former Zhejiang University, Hangzhou University, Zhejiang Agricultural University and Zhejiang Medical University. In 1998, the four universities sharing the same ancestor merged to form the new Zhejiang University and set a new goal – to develop into a world-class university. In its 116-year history, Zhejiang University has always been committed to cultivating talent with excellence, advancing science and technology, serving for social development, and promoting culture, with the spirit best manifested in the university motto “Seeking the Truth and Pioneering New Trails”.

Zhejiang University is a comprehensive research university with distinctive features and a national as well as international impact. Research at Zhejiang University spans 12 academic disciplines, covering philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, art, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and etc. With 7 faculties and 36 colleges/schools, Zhejiang University has 14 primary and 21 secondary national leading academic disciplines. 
Zhejiang University has long been holding the educational philosophy of putting people foremost, cultivating all-round competence in students, seeking the truth and pioneering new trails in search of excellence, and is committed to developing future leaders with an international perspective. Zhejiang University has turned out a large number of outstanding talents in its history. There are more than 160 alumni elected members of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering. With educational thoughts advancing with the times, Zhejiang University paces the whole nation in educational reforms. Rich campus culture, advanced teaching facilities and a wide range of international exchanges create favorable conditions for students’ development.
Zhejiang University focuses on assiduous study and research, and science and technological innovation. It has launched a number of international high-end academic platforms and gathered masters, scholars and high-level research teams in various disciplines. In recent years, Zhejiang University maintains a leading position in China in output indicators including publications, patents and etc., and has made abundant important achievements in science, technology, humanities and social sciences. Zhejiang University always takes initiative in catering for national and regional needs, and exerts itself to become an influential high-level source of innovation and a pool of talents. In 2014, research fund at Zhejiang University amounted to 3.121 billion Yuan. 115 projects under research have each secured a grant of more than 10 million.
As of  Dec. 31, 2014, there are a total of more than 46,364 full-time students enrolled at Zhejiang University, including approximately 13,952 graduate students, 8,779 Ph.D candidates, and 23,633 undergraduates. In addition, there are about 5,746 international students currently attending Zhejiang University. Among its approximate 3,437 standing faculty members, 1,474 faculty members have title of professor. Other important facts and figures are as follows: 12 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 17 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 69 experts in State "1000-elite Programs", 41 chief scientists of national 973 projects, 111 Chair Professors in Chang Jiang Scholars Program, and 105 scholars awarded with National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. With five campuses, namely Zijingang, Yuquan, Xixi, Huajiachi and Zhijiang campus, Zhejiang University encompasses an area of 4,503,741 square meters with school buildings covering 2,308,783 square meters of floor space. The university library holds a collection of more than 6.71million volumes. In addition, Zhejiang University has 7 high-level affiliated hospitals.
As a national university standing by River Qiantang, Zhejiang University is striving to build itself into an innovative comprehensive research university with a world-class status. Zhejiang University will be adhering to the spirit of seeking the truth and pioneering new trails, dedicating itself to creating and disseminating knowledge, inheriting and advancing civilization, serving and leading the society, and promoting national prosperity, social development and human progress.

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